Another installment in the ‘people like me series’ that showcases real life people, their stories and how they treat money.
If you wish to partake in the interviews, simply visit our reader profile tool and submit your story.
Now please let me introduce Veronica Neal.
Tell us about your outlook on money, your life and where you want to go
I live in Western Sydney with hubby and our five daughters (aged 15, 14, 12, 8 and 4).
Finances are very tight after an incident 4 years ago saw our business lose out on a large percentage of that year’s turnover. A company we did work for went bankrupt. As a result we had huge business and personal debt, had to move houses, had to move schools etc. Now we watch every penny much more carefully.
What was the first job you ever had and how did it teach you about money?
I worked part time at a newsagent when I was in high school. My parents were older and didn’t have a lot of spare money so it meant that I could buy some extra things that I wanted.
What is your current job and where are you aiming to end up money wise?
I work part time for our business doing the administration and accounts. The most important thing is that I am home for our children. I would love to eventually have my own income stream to reduce the pressure on hubby. At the moment I am dabbling with blogging and other ideas.
What is your best saving money tip?
Right now my best savings tip is to not take Miss 4 year old to the shops, ever! I make sure that I get all of my groceries done and also get any other items that the girls need for school or parties etc on the days that she is at preschool. This saves me a fortune as temptation is everywhere otherwise!
If possible I also shop online. Delivery is so fast these days and some stores have capped shipping so it can be very cost effective.
Do you love spending or love saving the most?
I prefer to save but that can be difficult when it is hard to make ends meet. At the moment my goal is to save for an end of year holiday as we haven’t been away for a few years and there is only so long that the girls will want to holiday with us!
I would love to save more so that we can pay off our mortgage faster also.
Do you have a financial regret?
Probably my biggest financial regret has been that hubby and I were not better prepared for potential problems in our business. We should have had an ‘emergency’ fund in place. It has taken nearly 4 years but most of the debts have now been repaid.